Eight Jefferson Scholars receive Harrison Undergraduate Research Awards; One Jefferson Scholar receives the Stull Family Research Award
February 25, 2016
With the guidance of U.Va. faculty members, nine Jefferson Scholars will have the opportunity to identify, plan and implement a significant research project this summer.
- Jack Brake, a second-year politics honors major and prospective Spanish major, will research the historical significance of Visigothic Christian churches that are still standing throughout southern Liberia in territory once controlled by Muslims.
- John Connolly, a third-year history and politics honors double major, will research the fallout of desegregation busing in Wilmington.
- Rory Finnegan, a second-year English major, will work with Alexander Rigby and John Hayes Chellman, both second-year politics and English dual majors, to research James Joyce’s techniques in his “Dubliners” story collection and how they could be applicable in European cities that suffer from civil unrest.
- Madison Lahey, a third-year history major, will research the influence of Protestant missionaries on America’s response to the Armenian genocide, particularly how, through organizational effort and private fundraising, citizens outside the government were able to marshal a substantial political response to the tragedy.
- Ben Winter, a second-year biochemistry and neuroscience double major, will research neurons and the transport protein dynein, which carries various other cargos throughout the cell and may play a major role in guiding neurons’ growth.
- Sarah Wyckoff, a third-year chemistry major concentrating on biochemistry,will seek to create an integrated microfluidic device capable of quantifying hematocrit, total protein and albumin in patient blood samples.
- Lauren Jackson, a third-year political and social thought major, will research how big data can be used to design more effective humanitarian responses in crisis regions.
Read more about the recipients of this year’s undergraduate research awards here.